Adding and Managing Your CPD activities

Members can login into their Mysite area and see their own CPD logs, add new Logs, edit and delete activities and also download a pdf report.

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To add a CPD Log click on the "Add CPD Log" button. The fields you see will be dependant on if the category is set as an "Hours" or "Credit Points" category 

Adding an Activity for an Hours Category

Activity Category: Select the relevant category from the dropdown list
Activity Sub-Category: If it above category is a parent category you may also be asked to select a sub-category
Log Name: Enter the name of your activity
CPD Log Date: Enter the start date and end date of your activity
Address: Enter an address if applicable (i.e. for any workplace placements)
Hours: Enter the number of hours you can be credited for
Description: Enter more details into the description section, this will appear on your download report
Add Files : To upload supporting documents click "Add File" and then browse for your documents, you can upload multiple documents if required by clicking "Add File" again.

Click Submit to save your activity log

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Adding an Activity for an Credit Points Category

Adding activities for a credit points category just does not allow you to enter an address.

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