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All The New Member Jungle Features That Came Out In 2024


2024 was a big year, and a lot of amazing things happened in it. The world’s first malaria vaccination program rolled out in Cameroon, in October Australia set a record with 25% of the nation's power being generated by solar, Aussie Ark announced they were going to rewild 15 endangered Eastern Quolls and the world was entranced by a baby Pigmy Hippo. 

 baby Pigmy Hippo 


But amidst all the global excitement, something truly special was happening right here at Member Jungle. Our dedicated development team has been working tirelessly behind the scenes, bringing you a constant stream of improvements and exciting new features.




I don’t really understand what software developers do, but I imagine this is a pretty accurate depiction. 

So, let's take a moment to celebrate their hard work and explore the amazing things they've accomplished this year. 

New Member Jungle Features 2024

Over 2024, the Member Jungle development team brought out over 250 individual updates, new features and improvements. Keep in mind that there were 261 work days in 2024, so that is almost a new improvement a day, which is an insane feat. 

For obvious reasons, I simply don’t have the time to list all 250 plus changes that happened this year, so instead, here is just a tenth of the changes.   

  1. Allow manually setting lat/long and update pin location for events and business directory listings
  2. Allow Custom/one-off products in the Online Store
  3. Added resizing, cropping and image shapes to Image Uploader
  4. Added Reordering to membership levels and products
  5. Added Member Tags
  6. Allow creating an account when placing admin orders in the Online Store
  7. Improvements to pasting content in HTML editors
  8. Added Event Types
  9. Added ability to role-restrict Online Store categories
  10. Added JungleVision AI Image generation with continual upgrades and improvements
  11. Added ability for admins to add members to subscription products
  12. Improvements to account demographic change auditing
  13. Improved security and spam filtering of Email Campaign subscribe widgets
  14. Improvements to Page change auditing
  15. Added single-click unsubscribe to emails and improved muting capabilities
  16. Added Apple Wallet and Google Wallet integration
  17. Improved News module administration
  18. Improve Image Uploading across core modules and Content Block widgets
  19. Added ability to update all member information in Membership Import
  20. Added ability to share Event registration lists on the website
  21. Added ability to role/tag restrict Event Tickets
  22. Rebuilt Powerdata reporting and improved emailing capabilities
  23. Added Recurring Events
  24. Added ability to have dollar-amount discounts for event tickets
  25. Added Event Type and Category filtering to the Member Jungle App

It goes without saying that that is not a complete list, and that’s not even all of the big features. Plenty of other big exciting features came out, like the ability to use the online store on the mobile app and take digital payments in person via the app.  

Plus, a lot more fixes, tweaks and improvements to make sure that the Member Jungle system is always running as smoothly as possible. 

Member Jungle Product Releases - How Do They Work?

At the end of every month, the Member Jungle development team will release a system update, known as a product release. Each product release is full of all the new things they have completed work on over the previous month, from fixes, improvements and new features. This is often accompanied by an update to the Member Jungle mobile app, which contains fixes and new features for the app.   

This means that the Member Jungle system is constantly improving and evolving regularly. This is crucial because it means the system won’t stagnate and be left behind by the ever-evolving tech world. This is a great thing because nothing is worse than spending a lot of money on something (like a certain fruit-themed phone) only for it to become outdated and useless within a few short years. 

And, of course, by fruit-themed phone, I mean the Pear Phone.


pear phone 11  


Why? What did you think I was talking about? 

How Does The Development Team Decide What New Features Get Made? 

The Member Jungle development team determines which new features to create in two main ways. 

The first way is deciding what features we, as a company, want to add to the system. These are new features that we believe will improve the system, making it more effective and easier to use, similar to how any company develops its products. 

The second way is more exciting: taking feature suggestions from Member Jungle customers. Current customers can fill out a feature suggestion form to recommend new features they would like to see in Member Jungle. We regularly review these suggestions and often implement those that we believe will be most practical and beneficial for a wide range of clubs and associations. The Member Jungle development team evaluates the suggestions based on several criteria to decide which ones will be developed. 

The criteria are as follows: 

  • How high the demand for the feature is 
  • How many people would it help
  • How much time will it save admins
  • How long will it take to build
  • How does it fit in with Member Jungle's direction 


For more information on how this whole process works, have a look at How Feature Suggestions Work With Member Jungle.

What Else Do You Need To Know About New Member Jungle Features?

If you want to know more about Member Jungle product releases in general check out Member Jungle Product Releases: What It Means For Your Club

Make sure to keep an eye on the Product Releases and Development page in 2025 to keep up to date with all the new features and updates that come out in the year to come. 


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