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Brianna Cope our Surfest Crowdfunding Sponsor

By Sami
Category: Our Clients

Hosting 16 different surfing and community events, in-and-out of the water, the 2019 Surfest Newcastle is already being shown amazing support.


As one of Newcastle’s annual sporting events, it is now named the largest surfing festival in the southern hemisphere, with thousands of people swarming the Newcastle, Port Stephens and Lake Macquarie beaches to watch the hundreds of surfers compete on the glorious waves. With more than 700 competitors from over 20 countries, the support is not only coming from spectators.

Member Jungle is proud to be one of the many Newcastle 2019 Surfest crowdfunding sponsors for the women's events to help ensure that Newcastle’s iconic Surfest provides a world-class opportunity for women in the sport.

“Being completely Australian owned and located right here in Newcastle, we love nothing more than to be able to help local events and local people,” Michael Barwell, CEO & Founder said.

After the 2015 event, Surfest began to struggle due to lack of funds, leading to cancelling a few events. This would have been devastating for the sporting community and this region if it limited the events. With the idea of starting a crowdfunding campaign to encourage the businesses of Newcastle and the Hunter to support the festival, the events were brought back to life. This crowdfunding campaign raised enough money to help continue the Surfest Women's Pro event.


In a world first in 2016, 85 businesses in the Newcastle region saw the 2016 Surfest crowd-surf its way to securing many of the best female surfers on the planet. The prize on offer to the winning sponsor was naming rights to the event. In 2019, the crowdfunding continues and this year is the Holmes Civil Development Womens Pro.

Last night, all the crowdfunding sponsoring businesses were allocated their surfer to support during the festival. Member Jungle is glad to have the opportunity to support Brianna Cope. With more than 100 thousand followers on Instagram, the sport star not only breaks records with her surfing career but also uses her fame to acknowledge and spread awareness about her birth defect, a deformed left hand. Starring in a, soon to be released, independent film ‘Surfing To Cope’, Brianna shares her story about how she turned her adversity into something spectacular.

Being a beautiful and successful woman, sharing her story is aimed to raise awareness about self image, bullying and how she found surfing to be her escape. This film will be something that a lot of young women and men will learn from. You can watch the trailer HERE.

Brianna Cope

Did I mention that she also shreds on the surfboard?

The 2019 Surfest will be a fantastic local event so be sure to get along to it to show your support.

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