
Digitised by Association


If You Haven’t Taken Your Membership Organisation Online, You Will

It’s time to think about moving your club to a membership management solution. Getting your organisation’s administration online can be a daunting task — especially if you aren’t highly tech-savvy. But let’s consider for a moment what bringing your association online could mean for you and your membership.

Hang-on. Let’s Have a Think About This Whole Digitisation Thing

If you haven’t made the transition to take your club online, you may have some reservations about the process or you might believe that your online presence isn’t absolutely necessary. It could be that you need to take some steps to help get your committee on board.


Perhaps you have a process for managing the day-to-day activity for your organisation or society that has been in place since, well, since as long as you can remember and it’s worked so far. Right?

Your process for administration may be proven, but that isn’t the aspect of your organisation that connects with your membership or your membership prospects.

The fact is, your members are probably online already and your next wave of members won’t only be online, they probably can’t remember a time before people didn’t connect by email, chat, or social media. If you aren’t online in a major way, this could cost the organisation membership, particularly when people want everything at their fingertips. 

Leaving every other benefit aside, getting online is a critical move to put you front and centre with your members and prospects.

A Complete Tool for Managing Your Clubs Affairs - A Membership Management Platform

Getting online with Member Jungle means you get online with the full package: a complete membership management platform. “Membership management platform” is just a way of saying that Member Jungle has all the tools you need to run your organisation from a central hub where you can control your club website, event promotion, membership sign-up, payments, renewal reminders, and your membership database. All from one place.

Your Member Jungle overview page allows you to navigate with a single mouse-click to see reports on members and their status, payments received and manage your club portal. From your administration area you can also give security features to anyone you need to access your portal administration. 

You can manage your group or society from anywhere you can access the Internet by simply logging onto your website administration area. Plus it can be managed from your phone or tablet.

Conceived and built for Australian Clubs, Organisations, Societies, and Associations, 
one reason that Member Jungle excels at membership management is because it was developed explicitly with membership-based organisations in mind. This goal, to build a tool that helps affinity groups manage, promote, and grow their organisations.

Clubs of Australia, Go Online! The Only Thing You Have To Lose is Hours of Frustration

  • A portal that gives your members access to schedules, updates, photos, and merchandise and the ability to manage their details themselves. 
  • Real-time information about which members are current and expired, plus sends them automated renewal reminders.
  • Members can renew by credit card payment with no effort from you
  • Transactions can be easily imported into Xero so the accounting is covered.
  • Easily update your website with no calls to developers.
  • Nimble event and schedule updates.

By now, you should be beginning to see the possibilities: consolidate disconnected management processes sprawled across paper, spreadsheets, emails, texts, payments, web design, web hosting, updates and all that into a single convenient platform that you can manage anywhere.

The only real question is, “What are you waiting for?"

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