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Event Tickets With Member Jungle - Can The Public Buy Tickets?

Category: Events

It seems some people are a bit confused about how event ticketing works in Member Jungle. So, today, let's clear up any confusion and ensure everyone knows exactly how to control ticket access for their events.

Also, don’t worry if you are one of the people who needs a bit of clarification on this; we've all been there. Until embarrassingly recently, I thought the phrase was "Pre-Madonna" rather than “Prima Donna”. It made sense at the time, like someone acting like a superstar before they actually made it big, so they were acting like Madonna before they were Madonna, hence Pre-Madonna. 

Speaking of embarrassing Madonna-based misunderstandings, more than once, church choirs have decided to sing Madonna’s Like A Prayer, apparently having mistaken it for being about praying.  

“When you call my name, it's like a little prayer

I'm down on my knees, I wanna take you there,”

My point is there are worse things to get mixed up than how ticketing works.  

The Three Ways To Set Up Event Tickets Regarding Public Access

With Member Jungle, there are three different ways to set up your events concerning public access to your events and your ticket. So, let’s go over them now. 

1. Public Event Page & Public Event Tickets 

The first option is to make your event page, event calendar, and event tickets accessible to the public. This means that anyone can view your event details, check the event calendar, and purchase tickets.  

When people go to purchase tickets, they will be asked to either log in as a member or continue without logging in if they are not a member. If they choose to continue without logging in, they will only be able to purchase tickets and see details that are available to the public. 

Make sure your members know not to select “Continue Without Loggin In”; otherwise, they will only get access to public tickets and may miss out on discounts and other ticket types. 


Login Page


You can also offer member-only discounts on these publicly available tickets, allowing members to buy tickets at a reduced price. This provides a great incentive for people to become members of your club.


adding a ticket


2. Public Event Page & Private Event Tickets

The second option is the newest one to arrive on Member Jungle in our latest product release. This is to make your event page, event details and calendar all available to the public but keep your tickets only available to members. 

The public will be able to see all the great events you have coming up and certain details about them, but they will be asked to log in to see what tickets are available. 

Public Event Page & Private Event Tickets


This way, you can show off your events to the public but ensure that only members will be able to purchase tickets, which is an even better way to entice members of the public to sign up for memberships.

Or you could do a mix, e.g. have some public tickets and other tickets restricted to be member only, like VIP tickets or just special inclusions for members. When you offer member-only tickets for publicly available events, the public will only see the tickets that are accessible to them. When members log in, they can see the complete range of tickets available at their member level.

3. Private Event Page & Private Tickets

The third and final option is to keep your individual events all details locked down so only members can see them and buy tickets. You can still share your new event with members, but when they open the link, they will be asked to log in to view the page.  


login page


Once logged in, your members will be able to see all the event details and purchase tickets easily. 

The public will not be able to see any event details or purchase tickets unless they become members.  

More Event Ticket Tips

Those are the three main options for controlling public access to your events. But Member Jungle offers even more fine-grained control when it comes to ticketing. 

You can restrict specific tickets or even entire events to certain membership levels. This means only members with those specific memberships can view or purchase tickets, while others might only see the event details

This is a fantastic way to incentivise members to upgrade membership levels. By showcasing events that are exclusive to higher membership tiers, you can encourage members to unlock more benefits and experiences by upgrading their membership.

You can use this to tease exclusive events to encourage upgrades or to offer certain membership levels better or more discounted tickets and packages. 

For more information on exactly how the Member Jungle event management system works, check out How To Run An Event With Member Jungle - A Guide


What Else Do You Need To Know About Setting Up Events With Member Jungle? 

So, that is all you need to know about how public access to ticketing works. If you want to learn more about the event system in general, read How To Run An Event With Member Jungle - A Guide

If you want to know about some of the newest features to hit the event system, check out New Event Features That Have Just Been Released On Member Jungle.


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