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How do I pay for my Member Jungle subscription?


There are a couple of ways to pay for your ongoing Member Jungle monthly subscription.

For Australian customers: 

You can opt to pay your Member Jungle annual subscription in advance and receive a 10% discount. Member Jungle will email an annual invoice for payment. 
Should it be required, Member Jungle can also invoice quarterly or bi- annually in advance for your subscription, however only the annual invoice receives the 10% discount.

If you decide to pay your Member Jungle subscription monthly, you will need to complete bank account payment details. A direct debit is then set up at our end and monthly payments are processed in advance. The once off Onboarding fee will be included in the initial invoice. A PAID invoice is then emailed to your club each month for your records.

For non-Australian customers:  

Your credit card details will be collected and is charged for monthly payments or annual payments (which include a 10% discount). All payments are processed in advance. The Onboarding fee will be included in the initial invoice. A PAID invoice is then emailed to your club each month for your records.

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