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How Do We Know That Member Jungle Will Still Be Here In A Few Years?


Over the years, we at Member Jungle have encountered the following situation a disappointingly high number of times. A club invests time, money and effort in organising and signing up with a web developer or bespoke system that promises them the world. Then unfortunately that developer can’t complete the system, produces a finished product that is well short of the mark or just disappears entirely. This leaves the club watching everything fall apart, and their new website of little to no use. 

After going through this, many club admins are pretty gun-shy about signing up for any new system. You’ve already had one set of web developers fall well short of the mark; it makes sense that you would be worried about that happening again. So, for all those club admins who are worried about something like that happening with Member Jungle, whether it’s happened before or not, let’s talk about why you can rest easy knowing that Member Jungle isn’t just going to disappear or go out of business anytime soon. 


How Do We Know That Member Jungle Will Still Be Here In A Few Years?

How Long Has Member Jungle Been Around For?

Member Jungle is the membership management arm of Telligence. Telligence is an Australian-owned company that has been in operation since 2004. Over the years, the company has grown and diversified and now consists of three departments: Telligence, AusTiger Hosting, and Member Jungle. All three are managed by the same group of people. Today, though, Member Jungle is by far the biggest of the three departments and the one that takes up the most time and attention. 

I’m telling you this to let you know that the Member Jungle team has been operating and running web services for 19 years and has kept evolving to keep up with the ever-changing online world. Speaking of evolution, let’s talk about that in some more detail. 

Member Jungle Is Always Evolving 

The team at Member Jungle is always looking for ways to grow and improve our software. Continual improvement and evolution are significant to the Member Jungle ethos and plan. Member Jungle has a dedicated development team that is always working on improving the product and releasing monthly updates. That included software updates, improvements and brand-new free features. If you want to learn more about Member Jungle’s constant improvements, read Member Jungle Product Releases: What It Means For Your Club.

Member Jungle does its best to continually evolve for two key reasons, the first and most important reason is to be able to continue to help clubs. Our membership management system is great today, but if we don’t continue to grow and evolve it may not always be that useful. We want clubs to do well, and their admins to have an easier time running them. The only way we can ensure that we are able to achieve this in the years to come is to continue evolving. 

The second reason is because in this industry, like most others, it comes down to evolve or die, and Member Jungle does its best to evolve and grow continually. This is vital because those who don’t innovate soon fall behind. Look at Atari; they used to rule the roost; now, if you tried to put an Atari under the Christmas tree instead of a Playstation 5, you’d probably ruin Christmas. 



Doing Our Bit For The Climate Crisis

The growing climate crisis will significantly impact how businesses and clubs operate as we move into the future. Companies and clubs that embrace this change and lead the way will soon outpace those who resist it. Besides, stepping up and doing the right thing regarding the climate crisis is essential. 

For this reason, before launching Member Jungle, we conducted in-depth research to ensure our business positively impacts the environment. We decided that our carbon usage would be beyond net zero from the beginning of our operations.

Many companies offer a “green option” for offsetting carbon, but we believe it should not be optional. Our products and business practices are 100% carbon neutral. Moreover, we offset any carbon footprint that our customers might leave at no extra charge to them.

Member Jungle’s headquarters is entirely powered by solar power, with us usually producing 10% more energy than we consume. This and our work with Google Cloud Platform allows us to be a 100% carbon-neutral company with 100% carbon-neutral web hosting. 

Member Jungle’s environmentally friendly and carbon-neutral approach is one of the reasons that we will be prepared for whatever changes the climate crisis forces businesses and clubs to make. 

Member Jungle Isn’t Going To Disappear

The team at Member Jungle has been in the game for a long time now, and they know what they are doing and have an extremely strong focus on the future of club management. So you can rest assured that Member Jungle will be around for many years. 

If you have any questions about what we’ve talked about or if you want any more information about this, please feel free to reach out and contact the Member Jungle team

If you want to know more about how you can prepare your club for the future, read How To Future Proof Your Club


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