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How To Avoid Buyer’s Remorse With Member Jungle


Deciding whether to buy something is a balancing act between the fear of regretting the purchase and the fear of missing out on something you need. Both of these are very real concerns. Buyer's remorse can kick in when the initial excitement wears off, making you regret what may have been a foolish decision. On the other hand, if you decide not to make a purchase, you can seriously regret what you missed out on. 

For example, I once passed up on buying a Subaru Brumby. Instead, I spent triple the amount on a much newer car. I passed on the Brumby as I was worried about the maintenance on a car which is older than I am. The newer car I bought ended up spending more time on the back of a tow truck than... - okay, so I actually don't have a funny quip here or know what spends a lot of time on the back of tow trucks; Alfa Romeos, maybe? My point is that the newer, more expensive car was constantly breaking down, and I wish I'd bought the Brumby.  

Subaru Brumby.


I could have had this, and yet I don’t because I’m a fool. 

Today, we are going to talk about how to avoid both buyers' regret and non-buyers' regret when it comes to Member Jungle. For some of you reading this right now, buying Member Jungle is not the right call, while for others, it absolutely is. So, let’s talk about how you can determine which camp you fall into to ensure that whichever decision you make is one you can happily stand behind for years to come. 

Sign Up For A Free Trial Of Member Jungle

The first step to ensuring you can fully support your decision is to sign up for a free 30-day trial of Member Jungle. This gives 30 days of access to our all-in-one membership management system. During the trial, you can fully customise, experiment with, and try out all of the systems, set up test events, give access to your committee members, and a whole lot more. 

During the free trial, you have unlimited access to the Member Jungle system, where you can see firsthand how Member Jungle can streamline administrative tasks, enhance member engagement, and enable you to grow your club. 

The key to getting the most out of your trial and arriving comfortably at a decision to use Member Jungle or not is to go into your trial with a set of questions you want to be answered. Questions like:

  • Does it do all the things you need it to? 
  • Does it solve your problems? 
  • Will it streamline your operations? 
  • What will it save you? (time? money?) 
  • Is it missing something that you need/want? 
  • Is their adequate support and help available to you? 

Of course, these are only suggestions. You should make the questions applicable to you and your club. Setting out and answering all these questions will put you in a really good position to make a confident decision on whether Member Jungle is the right choice for you or not.

If you decide to sign up for a Free trial of Member Jungle, check out 3 Things You Need To Know About Your Member Jungle Trial to ensure you start your trial with flying colours. 

Explore Customers’ Experiences With Member Jungle

Another great way to ensure you don’t regret your Member Jungle decision is to look at what current customers have to say about us. They can provide great insight into how we helped them with their problems and enabled them to improve their clubs and associations. Seeing how people in similar situations to you found using the Member Jungle system can really help you make an educated decision about whether it will work for you or not. 

Honestly, there's not much more I need to say about why hearing from our current customers can be helpful in your decision-making process. I feel as though it’s fairly self-explanatory. So rather than rabbiting on any more, I’ll just link through to all the relevant customer stories for you. 

Firstly, below is a list of all the detailed long form customer stories that you can read: 

If you want to watch some video versions of this case studies, check out the videos below:

If that’s still not enough customer opinions for you, then have no fear here are two articles containing a whole bunch of customer feedback: 

Finally, if you aren't completely exhausted from reading all of those, there’s one final article where I try to cover all the different fields that Member Jungle customers are in, with plenty of examples: Membership Management Software For My Club’s Specific Needs?

Explore Member Jungle’s Training And Support Options 

You've spent 30 days exploring the Member Jungle site and reading all the customer stories. Now, you need to review all the training and support options that Member Jungle offers, as these will come in handy if you ever need help with your system in the future.

Member Jungle provides extensive customer support, via the sales team during the trial and by our dedicated support team when customers. You can reach out with any questions or concerns during the trial period to ensure you understand how to use the platform effectively. 

We also offer extensive training, tutorials, and help articles that can guide you through every step of the process. These resources are available to you right now and will remain available no matter how long you are a customer. If you want to learn more, you can explore the Member Jungle Support Portal here

I've already referenced it above, but in 3 Things You Need To Know About Your Member Jungle Trial, I discuss the training and support you can access. So, if you want to learn more about this, please go ahead and read that. 

What Are The Consequences Of Inaction?

Once you’ve completed the above steps you will be in one of three camps: You’ll either be completely sold on Member Jungle, in which case welcome aboard. Or you’ll be positive it’s not the right choice for you, in which case, good luck out there. 


cup of tea meme


Or thirdly, you may still be unsure which decision to make. If you fall into this third category, you should ask yourself, "What are the consequences of inaction?" 

Like me, when I didn't buy the Subaru Brumby, I did still have to buy a car. My old car was dead, and I needed to travel between Newcastle and Sydney for work and uni. The consequences of not deciding would have been losing my job or failing out of uni. 

Now, your club may be in a position where the consequences of not making a decision aren't bad at all. But for a lot of clubs out there, there are a lot of challenges that you're probably going to need a membership management system to face. Like dropping volunteer rates, changes to privacy laws and the endless march of technology


walking out meme 


Therefore, understanding what's at stake if you don't make a decision is crucial to making the right choice for your club or association. 

I don't mean to be all fearmongery here. I'm not trying to say that your club will explode like a Michael Bay film if you do nothing because it absolutely won't. I'm just saying that, yes, there are concerns and potential pitfalls involved in making a change, but there are also concerns and potential pitfalls in not making one. 

We at Member Jungle have witnessed clubs almost signing up with us and starting a free trial but then having their committee vote it down. Unfortunately, this can have really negative consequences, with membership officers deciding to quit or clubs slowly withering away and losing members. We have had clubs come back years later with fewer members and bigger problems and finally sign on with us.

I understand that this might sound like fear-mongering, but I'm really trying to prevent it from being that. I am just saying that we have firsthand experience of the negative consequences of indecision. So, be careful and try to understand all the potential impacts of your decision, including the decision of indecision. Personally, "The Decision of Indecision" sounds like it should be a Tom Clancy novel. 

Where To From Here?

I have already given you a whole lot of information to read and sort through. Hopefully, it will all prove extremely useful in helping you reach a conclusion, no matter what that conclusion is. 

If you have any questions at all, please Reach Out To A Member Of The Team, who will be more than happy to help you out with any inquiries you may have. 

For now, I will just leave you with a Subaru Brumby that someone kitted out for amateur rallying. Oh, what could have been. 


Subaru Brumby


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