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How Xero, Stripe And Member Jungle Work Together


Today, we will discuss exactly how the Member Jungle system works with Xero and Stripe. I know that that is hardly the most exciting sentence you’ve ever read. Not only is this an important topic, but I will do my level best to make it enjoyable. 

Let’s be honest; technical things like this can sometimes be confusing and intimidating. Learning how some complicated new system works can be a major cause of frustration and make you want to go all Han Solo on your computer. 


However, before you go find a blaster and put a hole through your monitor, let's talk about Stripe, Xero and Member Jungle. 

What Are Stripe and Xero?

Okay, so there is a good chance you know what both Stripe and Xero are, but let's quickly go over them. 

Stripe is an online payment processing platform that allows your club to accept payments over the Internet. The platform provides customisable checkout forms, subscription billing, and advanced fraud prevention tools with support for multiple currencies and international payment methods. No matter where your club and your members are in the world, Stripe will allow you to take payments securely and easily and issue refunds. 

Stripe is very developer-friendly, making it easy for us to seamlessly integrate it with your new membership management system and website. To know more about why Member Jungle uses Stripe, please read Why The Member Jungle System Uses Stripe's Payment Gateway.

Xero is a cloud-based accounting software designed to simplify financial management for your club. It offers features in invoicing, bank reconciliation, expense tracking, and payroll processing. With its user-friendly interface and automation capabilities, Xero simplifies accounting tasks for your club. Additionally, it integrates with Stripe and Member Jungle to provide you with everything you need to manage the financial side of your club. 

How Does Stripe, Xero & Member Jungle Work Together? 

Very simply, Member Jungle is the main part of your system; it is your website, your membership management system and pretty much everything else. When you or a member go to make a purchase through Member Jungle, that is where the other two systems come into play. 

The Member Jungle system does not save or record you or your members' payment details. Stripe instead securely stores this information on their servers; Stripe will then supply a token to the Member Jungle system that we securely store. These tokens are by themselves completely useless; however, when a member goes to purchase something from you, the Member Jungle system will communicate securely with Stripe and Stripe will fetch or accept the new payment details, allowing your member to check out securely and easily. 

All of that happens in the background; the only thing your members will see is checking out, the system asking if they wish to pay by card, the system loading for a moment, and then their card details will pop up, and they will be free to complete the purchase.  

Essentially, Stripe securely stores payment details, processes payments and everything else, and Member Jungle simply tells them which stored payment details to use if the member has decided to store either payment details. If the member doesn't store the payment details, Stripe just accepts the payment card details interactively and then processes the transaction. 

On a periodic basis (daily, weekly, etc), you, as a Member Jungle administrator, can export the transaction details, which can be imported into Xero. Once in Xero, you can reconcile and assign payments and store or export information for tax time. Depending on the size of your club and the number of members and payments you are dealing with, you can assign received payments to specific members or broad categories, i.e., membership, events, etc. 

If you would like to know more about how to link your Stripe account to your Xero account, please see the Stripe article here: Setting up your Xero account with Stripe.

If you have 50 members, assigning each payment to an individual in Xero will be easy. Still, if you have thousands of members, that would take too much time. 

It's worth remembering that reconciling and assigning payments is only for Xero and accounting purposes; the Member Jungle system will keep track of which members renewed memberships and bought tickets independently of Xero.  

For more information on how this works, please see Exporting Payment Report To Xero.

What Else You Need To Know About The Tech Side Of Member Jungle

Hopefully, this has cleared up some of your questions about how Member Jungle, Xero and Stripe all work together to help out your club. If you have any more questions, please reach out to a member of the team. 

Otherwise, if you found this article helpful, you may want to check out the article I mentioned earlier, Why The Member Jungle System Uses Stripe's Payment Gateway.

Otherwise, have a look at the following article The Tech Side Of Onboarding With Member Jungle.

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