
Member Jungle Product Release: June 2023


Somehow we have already reached the halfway point of this year, and I have no idea where the time has gone. The development team at Member Jungle however have been spending their time working hard on a bunch of new product releases and fixes for the system. 

This month’s product release has seen the release of a highly requested feature. So without further ado, you can now show a member’s company name in your member list. Keep reading to find out more about this and what else has improved this month. 

Show Company Name in Lists

An often requested feature, there is a new option in the Membership General Settings to 'Show Company in Member Lists'. When activated this will show a member's company name in membership lists and reports. The company name will also be shown in all payment reports, including the Site Payments Report. The company name will also be displayed in relevant Security module lists and Event reports. 

Of course, you will need to make the Company field active in Member registrations and renewals to collect this information.

Cleanup of Member Level Displays

We have cleaned up some terminology and added more help links to the Member Level area to make it clearer and easier to use and navigate.

QR Code in Member Pop-Up

A member's membership QR Code can be displayed in the website Member Pop-up. This will allow admins to easily register member's for an event using the app as the scanner.


The 'Mute Marketing Email' preference will be respected for Event Scheduled emails when the member has not yet registered for an event.


We have now introduced better handling of long chat messages. Where they previously were broken into multiple chunks, they now show as a continuous message. 


If you are using Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) for members or admins, we have fixed an issue where admins couldn't change the authentication method fields (phone or email) in security without having to get the account verified. As an Admin you can now do this and we will bypass the authentication process.

There have also been a couple of tweaks to the app to allow for member scanning for ticketed events, better searching of member lists and improvements to notification centre counts.

If you have any issues to report or want to learn more about the system you can access our full support portal at


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