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Member Jungle Product Release: September 2023


September has nearly been and gone, and the Spooky Season is almost upon us. So break out the black robes, the creepy masks, the pumpkin bowls full of treats, and dig into a brand new product release from Member Jungle. 

As always, the Member Jungle development team has had a busy month getting a whole host of updates, fixes and new features ready to launch. So, let’s take a quick look at everything they have added in this (Southern Hemisphere) Spring release.  


Custom Membership Report

You can now slice and dice your membership data in a multitude of ways and across all data fields. You can filter all fields in a Membership Level and Membership Products, Website and App Usage. You can specify what fields you’d like to see and then export the resulting data or bulk email the members. The help for this report is at .

This feature is available for Standard and Premium packages.

Standardisation of Account / Demographic Fields

As a Site Administrator, you can control what fields are shown in any member account forms as well as propagate those settings to all Membership Forms. This is managed in the Security Module under ‘Edit Account Form’. New Nickname and Title fields have been added to all account forms as options. More info can be found at


Edit AAccount form dashboard


Improvements to Product Role Restrictions

We have made changes to public / non-public security around Membership Products to make it easier for Membership Administrators to see the changes immediately, and if no role restrictions are in place, but the product is ‘non-public’, we ensure that no member can see the product.


An Events Administrator can add registrations to an Event even when the event is completed.

Member Jungle App

Link-only pages can be added to the App. This allows external pages to be added to the Member Jungle App module and appear in your Member Jungle app for your members.


We have increased auditing around security permissions, roles and creating accounts. These audit logs can be found in the System Report.

Page Management

We have rebuilt the MP3 embedding process to use code that is more friendly across all device types.


Emails from the system will now come from, replacing 

There were many other tiny fixes in this Spring Cleaning release that will hopefully “Spark Joy”.

If you have any issues to report or want to learn more about the system, you can access our full support portal at


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