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October Product Release


As the spooky season fades and November unfolds, bringing with it warm weather and lazy afternoons on the beach, the Member Jungle team has been hard at work brewing up a cauldron of exciting new features.

We are spending the rest of this year focusing on making running events through Member Jungle easier, simpler and better than ever before; these are going to come with a lot of new features and tweaks to the event module to make it as great as possible. This month, this has taken the form of laying a lot of great groundwork for the changes to come. Now that the foundation is in place, keep tuned as we start to make some big, exciting updates over the next few months. 

So, with that sorted, let's get into what has changed this month. 


The Events Calendar Output Widget now has the option to start the week on a Monday or Sunday. As we know, which day it should start is as controversial a topic as whether the toilet paper roll should be under or over. 

Events Calendar Output Widget

There have also been a lot of underlying changes for new features to be added to the Events module. So, stay tuned for those. 


Auditing is done when a member adds a Member Jungle digital card to their Apple or Google Wallet.


We are rolling out a beta version of a brand new Member Jungle AI Chat Bot. That is designed to help answer support questions using natural language and using our support website as the source of information. Of course, there will always be real people at Member Jungle who can help you with your support, too. This is just another way we are making the system easier and more convenient. 

The new chatbot is still in beta, so we will let you know when it becomes available to everyone.

If you have any issues to report or want to learn more about the system, you can access our full support portal at


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