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Offering Family & Group Memberships To Your Members


Do you have families or groups as part of your member base? We have a solution for you that will tie these groups neatly into one membership package.

Some examples of using the group memberships are limited only to your imagination! Some examples may include:

  • Family membershipsUntitled design (84)

  • Couples memberships

  • Team memberships

  • Business memberships

In this case, I will use a family membership as an example.

A family member can sign up to your membership and pay the appropriate fee. The new member can then add their additional family members that they would like to be included as part of their membership.

These family members will be emailed as they are added to the membership and asked to set their password. They will then have access to any membership areas on the website and have the ability to login to the mobile app to view their membership details and member card.

Administrators can set the limits of the maximum number of allowed secondary members per membership product. This allows the membership products to be priced accordingly. For example:

  • Family of 5   $100

  • Family of 6 - 10   $200

If a family member is no longer included in a membership, it is simple for the primary member to archive them. This will make room for additional family members to be added to the membership in their place. Administrators can also archive the secondary family members or unlink the member from the family membership so that they may retain their login details to purchase a membership of their own.

If circumstances change and the primary membership holder is no longer the main contact for the family, an administrator can swap another family member into the primary position, to take over the membership.

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The primary member will have the added functionality of:

  • adding, editing and removing secondary family members in the membership

  • receiving all automated renewal reminders when the membership is approaching expiry

  • access to renew the membership, or sign up to a different membership type.

  • access to all membership invoices.

  • the ability to register the family members for events and select the members from a list to indicate who the event ticket is for.

  • a dedicated button on the mobile app where the primary member can view the details and membership cards of each family member.

To assist administrators in managing group memberships, additional functionality gives administrators the added ability to:

  • Create membership levels that allow group memberships.

  • Add group membership products and set limits to the amount of family members each product allows

  • Select whether the family members will have login access to the website and mobile app

  • Add, edit and remove primary and secondary members

  • Link and unlink members from their family membership

  • Swap a family member with the primary member to make them the new main contact for the membership

  • Transfer a family member to another family or group membership

  • Carry out an advanced search to filter just the primary or secondary members into a report

  • View the list of family members for each primary member in a dedicated tab in the members profile.


The group membership functionality brings together the ease of automation that makes administrators jobs easier, along with the added functionality of self managed group memberships. If you think that this functionality could assist you in managing your family and group members, please Contact Us to discuss your options.

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