Opt-In Chat Rooms: What They Are & Why Your Club Needs Them
Member Jungle has recently released opt-in chat rooms, which can be an excellent tool for organising your club. Opt-in chat rooms are essentially group chats your members can choose to join whenever they want. Today, we will be talking about the new chat rooms and how to best use them to help your club.
How To Set Up Opt-In Chat Rooms On Your Member Jungle System
Setting up an opt-in chat room is easy, so easy it barely takes up a whole sentence. It is exactly the same process as setting up a standard chat room in the Member Jungle system. Except you select “Opt-In Chat Room” in the chat room settings when you’re setting it up. That’s pretty much it. It means you can let your members select what groups they want to be a part of.
It is worth noting that you don’t need all your chat rooms to be opt-in; you can turn it on for some and not others. Also you can still restrict them to certain membership level groups or roles.
The Best Way To Use Opt-In Chat Rooms For Your Club
If your club hosts various events or caters to different interest groups, then creating opt-in chat groups can be a great way to improve communication. It will also work well for sports clubs who want separate group chats for the different teams or associations that have different industry specialities.
It will allow you to communicate with different groups of members based on their interests. Group chats are a really effective way of talking to your members and getting information to them. Still, they become less effective if all the kayakers in your club have to scroll past chat from the abseilers just to find the information they are looking for. Having separate group chats that members can join and leave at will allows you to communicate just with the members you need to. Basically, opt-in group chats make your life and the lives of your members easier and simpler and get you all back to doing what you love quicker.
One of the significant benefits of the opt-in chats is that it takes the onus off you and your club admins to ensure every member is assigned to the right groups. Instead, your member simply has to opt into the chat room that matches their interests or team. Don’t worry; if a member accidentally joins the wrong group, they can simply opt back out; there’s no need for your admins to get involved.
Below are two examples of how these opt-in chat rooms can be set up and how they will look to a member of your club.
Let’s focus on the chat rooms on the left for this demonstration. These chat rooms have been created for a sports club with multiple teams. From this image, it is clear that this member is already a part of several groups. Additionally, there are buttons visible on the opt-in chats that this member is not currently a part of. If this member were to click join on one of those chat rooms, they would be met with this page.
Once the member clicks join, they will be a part of the chat room and can use it as usual.
That’s honestly about it for opt-in chat rooms. They work like any other Member Jungle chat room, except your members can choose which ones to join. They make the already helpful group chats an even more effective communication tool.
How To Make Sure You’re Getting The Most Out Of Your Club’s Group Chats
I’ve talked a lot about group chats today and how they are an effective way of communicating with your members. If you want more details on this, try reading Why Your Club Should Be Using Group Chats.
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