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Understanding Member Statuses When Using The Member Jungle System


One essential part of the Member Jungle system is the member statuses that the system will apply to your members. These statuses help you and the system itself keep track of who’s a current member, who has renewed their membership, who still needs to renew it and who has left the club. Therefore, making sure you understand what each status means is crucial.  

What Member Statuses Does the Member Jungle System Have?

The Member Jungle system has the following statuses that can apply to members: 

  • Current - For current members who have an expiry date set in the future or a perpetual membership
  • Pending - For members who have tried to join the club and are pending approval from an administrator
  • Expired - For members who have not renewed their membership and have an expiry date in the past
  • Removed - For members who have expired for a certain period of time and have been removed from at least one membership level but still have the ability to log in and rejoin 
  • Archived - For members who have left your club and who you no longer want to be able to log in and whose data you no longer want to see

Now that we’ve covered all the available member statuses, let’s take a more in-depth look at each of them. 

Understanding Member Status When Using The Member Jungle System

Current Member Status 

This one is self-explanatory and will take little more than a sentence or two to cover. The “current” status is the default status applied to all members of your club who are up-to-date with their membership renewals. This status is automatically calculated based on their membership expiry date. This means when a member renews for a 12-month period, their expiry date will be changed and updated accordingly.

Pending Member Status

Pending member status will only apply to members if you have automatic member approval turned off or allow manual payment methods. 

When automatic member approval is turned on in your system, when a new person joins your club and pays their membership dues, they will automatically be an official member of your club, and their member status will be “Current”. 

If you turn automatic member approval off, you will have to review and approve any new members who join. This is when a member’s status will be marked as “Pending”. Once approved, their status will automatically be changed to “Current”. 

The only other time a member’s status will be marked as “pending” is when they have selected to pay their membership payment by manual methods or direct transfer rather than through the system’s payment gateway. In this case, while that payment is being transferred, they will be marked as “Pending” until you receive and manually approve their payment.  

Expired Member Status

The “Expired” member status will only be applied to overdue members as soon as their expiry date is in the past. The Member Jungle system will send your members notifications leading up to when their renewals are due. If they do not renew the membership before the cut-off date, the system will automatically mark them as “Expired”. 

Don’t worry; their information and member details will still be stored safely in the system. So, when they renew their membership, all their important details will remain there for them. 

Expired members will have access to members-only part of the system restricted. They will be notified that their membership needs to be renewed. 

It’s worth noting that if you import members into the system with an expiry date in the past, the system will automatically mark them as expired because the expiry date is a required field. So, be mindful of the expiry dates of members, especially when importing membership details from a csv spreadsheet. 

Removed Member Status 

You can set your system to automatically remove members once they have been expired for a certain period of time. You also have the option to manually remove members if you like. Removing a member will not stop that person from logging in, rejoining the club, registering for a public event or buying from your store. Removed members will not appear in standard member searches and filters, though they can be searched by selecting the option to include removed members in your search. All their information will remain in the system for you to view.  

A lot of clubs offer discounts for renewing members. It may cost $100 to join the club in the first place, but it only costs $80 to renew their membership. Removing a member after they have expired for a certain period of time means that they will no longer be eligible to renew for the discounted price, they will instead have to pay the original joining fee. When they do rejoin, all their information will still be in the system, ready to go. The system will send out an alert to you as the administrator, letting you know that an expired member is about to be removed. The system will also send an email to the members after they have been removed. This can be the perfect kick in the pants that some members need to get around to rejoining the club. 

Understanding Member Status When Using The Member Jungle System


Archived Member Status 

The “Archived” status can only be applied by you. The “Archived” member status is for members who have permanently left your club and want to have no further association with your club.

Archiving a member will do the following things:

  • Remove the member from all membership levels
  • Remove the member from all membership email and SMS lists
  • The member’s login account will be deactivated, and they will no longer be able to log in
  • The member will only be visible if you search on the Advanced Member Search and tick “Archived Members”
  • All notes and contracts will be kept on their record

The member’s information will be archived in case they decide to return to the club, or you need to refer to a particular piece of information on their profile. Other than that, you will not be reminded that that member is in your system. 

If an archived member returns to the club, their membership can be restored to a regular membership status. 

It is also possible to permanently delete a member entirely from the system, only members who are already archived can be deleted. However, this is not something you are likely to need to do. Just keeping members archived is usually the better plan.  

Find Out More About Member Statuses 

That’s pretty much it for member statuses and what they mean with Member Jungle. I hope this has helped clear some things up for you and that you can now change your members’ statuses without worrying about making a mistake. 

For more details on how to actually archive, restore and remove members, please read Archiving/Deleting a Member

For more information on how to use the automatic member removal, please read Auto-Remove Member's Expired Products.

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