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Using the Catalogue Module to increase your merchandise sales


Whether you wish to accept donations, sell sponsorship, or prompt your members to purchase your merchandise, the new Catalogue Module is a simple and easy to use solution that will help increase your sales and encourage your members to spend their money with you!

This exciting new module enables administrators to add products to the catalogue, and link them to the Membership module. There is an option to lock products to be available only to specific membership levels, or to leave the product(s) available to all members of any level.



Once you have added your products to the catalogue, your members will be prompted to purchase these items whenever joining or renewing their membership.

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The Catalogue Module provides both a product report and a payments report in order to keep track of your sales and revenue.


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This module is another user friendly addition to our list of modules, for both administrators and members. It is available on most of our packages. If you would like to have the Catalogue Module added to your site, please raise a Support Ticket to make your request.


View our support article for the Catalogue Module>>



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