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Video: Data Security & Backups: Inside Member Jungle with Jeff Pond



Listen to Jeff Pond, Member Jungle’s Technical Operations Director, as he explains how Member Jungle ensures the security and backup of your club’s data.

Video Transcript

“One of the most common things that we get asked about is system security, your website security, payment security and what we do for backups and recovery.” 



“So, payment security is all covered; we are covered by Stripe, our payment Gateway provider. So, no credit card details are stored in the Member Jungle system, that's a real key thing. So, Stripe is completely PCI Compliant and compliant with every other state and territory law around storment of credit card details.


So, if you need more details about that, talk to our team.  


So, as far as website security, all Member Jungle sites are covered by an SSL certificate that is included free of charge as part of the service we provide. When it comes to backups and recovery, all of our systems are comprehensively backed up across multiple locations on encrypted Hardware, so none of your data will ever be exposed to risk in that regard. And should a catastrophic event happen to any infrastructure we're able to recover back to at least within that same day. So, your Club will be back online very quickly.”


To find out more about this, please read How secure is my membership data?


For more on Member Jungle data protection in general, check out How does Member Jungle protect your data?


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