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Video: Get Your Member Jungle Website Live: A Domain and DNS Tutorial



In this video, our Technical Operations Director, Jeff Pond, walks you through the simple steps to set up your domain and connect it to your new Member Jungle website. 

Video Transcript

“The single hardest thing that we find when doing anything website-based or bringing your club across the Member Jungle is how you can use your own domain name and beyond that what even is a domain name. 



Right, so what a domain name is your name for your club on the internet. So, say it could be “”. Right, so what that then does when you put that into a web browser that matches it to your club's website so that your members know how to find it. 


Now, to actually get live we need what's called your DNS. So, typically, your domain name and your DNS live in the same location, and if you're happy to give our technical team the login details to manage this for you, we can do the whole process, and you don't need to get involved. 


The other option is if you're a bigger club, you're going to have a tech person who manages this for you, and so you just ask them to do it and they will sort it out. But if you're stuck doing this yourself, you can speak with our team, and we will guide you through every step of the way. We will help you find those details of where your domain name lives, who's got your DNS, and help you through step by step so you don't need to worry about it,” 

More Information On Domain & DNS

For more information about setting up your domain and DNS with Member Jungle, check out The Tech Side Of Onboarding With Member Jungle.


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