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Video: Meet The Member Jungle Team

Category: Video

Ever wonder who we are? The people behind Member Jungle. Do you ever wonder what we’re really like, and what we’re about? Ever wonder if the Member Jungle team is even real? Ever wonder if we are just faceless AI-controlled robots, forced to write endlessly about membership management until the day the swelling sun finally consumes the earth, destroying everything we’ve ever known and loved in a fiery inferno? 

Well, don’t worry about that. 

Don’t worry about that because you know I'm a real person, as no AI bot would ever start an article with something anywhere near as strange as what I just did. And don’t worry about the rest of the team either, because the other day when a few of them were in the office, we had someone stick a camera in their very real, very human faces and ask them about who they are, what they do at Member Jungle so you could get to know them better.

You can see the results of these interviews below. 

Meet Michael Barwell - CEO and Founder


Meet Jeff Pond - Technical Operations Director



Meet Leigh Clover - Director of Membership and Marketing



Meet Renee Krischer - Project and Account Manager



Meet Julie Potts - Office Manager



Meet The Bloopers 



Of course, the filming of these wasn't without its hiccups and laughs. Check out the blooper reel for some behind-the-scenes laughs.

Want To Know More About The Member Jungle Team? 


Well, I hope you learned something interesting about some of the Member Jungle team members. If you are still looking for some more behind-the-scenes stuff, either check the About Section on our website or read Green Membership Management: Help Your Club, Help The Planet

As I managed to dodge the cameras the day they were in the office, I’m not one of those in the videos above; if you want to know more about me (for some reason) read this: Meet the Person Behind Member Jungle's Articles: Piper Jackson.  


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