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Video: Member Jungle Values - There's Always A Better Way

Category: Video

At Member Jungle, we have five driving values that help inform what we do and how we do it. Watch Michael Barwell, Member Jungle’s CEO, talk about one of these values; There’s Always A Better Way.


“Another one of our values that we have, we've got five values at Member Jungle. But one that we love to do, in particular the tech team, is There's Always A Better Way.



So whether we're coding a process, whether we're designing a screen, whether we're helping our clients, we always want to just take that step back and go, is there a better way we can do that? 


One of the analogies I like is that you know, a simple 1% Improvement done every single week makes a massive difference over a year. So, that's one of our big things, always looking at better ways of doing things,”. 

More Member Jungle Values  

Stay tuned for more videos discussing Member Jungle’s values; they will be coming soon. For now, check out our Our Vision and Values Page


To see some of these values in practice, read How Member Jungle Steps Lightly On The Planet: Animal Adoptions.


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