Member Jungle Membership Software Blog
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Since the beginning of time, many frequently asked questions have existed; however, in 2010, one US senator asked a question that I don’t think anyone has ever asked before.
During a 2010 hearing about building military bases on the island of Guam, a sitting US senator asked the following question.
...I was looking into jungle-themed things to start this article when I was reminded of my all-time favourite moment from a documentary. It is from Burden of Dreams, the documentary about the nightmare production of the movie Fitzcarraldo. In this scene, the legendary Werner Herzog gives an eloquent, dour, gothic, and hilarious,
...Committees are awesome. There are no ifs, ands, or buts about it. They are an effective and fair way to organise anything. I know some people are unfairly critical of committees. There’s even the saying, “A camel is a horse designed by a committee,” which is supposed to mean that committees are bad and
...In today’s world, your club’s website is essentially your clubhouse. It will likely be the first thing potential members see of your club, and it will be where current members spend a lot of time and find out what’s going on at the club. Like an actual clubhouse, you need to ensure your website is a well-built,
...The Member Jungle trial may seem big and intimidating from the outside looking in, but in reality, it really isn’t. The Member Jungle free trial is a relaxed, commitment-free way to check out the system and see if it is best for your club or association.
There are a bunch of articles and videos guiding