Member Jungle Membership Software Blog

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Monday 15th May 2023

Here's something that we have all experienced. You own a smartphone that you love, and that works perfectly. Then the phone company announces a new model to replace the one you own. You have no desire to spend another $1000 on a new phone when yours is only a year old. So, you ignore this new model. 

However, the next thing you

Monday 8th May 2023

The world of computer and internet technology can be a genuinely baffling place. My partner is a video game developer, and I honestly don’t know if I’ve ever understood anything they’ve said about their job. I just smile and nod, like a dog just happy to be involved. 

Friday 28th April 2023

Starting anything can be a daunting process. Onboarding with a new membership management system like Member Jungle is no different. You probably have about a whole bunch of questions you want answered before you make a decision. No one expects you to decide whether you want to do this or not without all the information. 

Monday 10th April 2023

Hi my name is Leigh from Member Jungle and I'm going to go through and answer all the questions that you're likely to have if you're looking to evaluate if Member Jungle is a good fit for your membership organisation.


Wednesday 28th September 2022

Sometimes it’s hard to decide if an online membership management system will work for your club or organisation without testing it.

Member Jungle offers a 30 day free trial access to a fully functional system that you can set up to suit your organisation. During the trial period you will have access to the platform

Friday 16th September 2022
By Jeff Pond

You certainly can.  We offer two options for importing your members:

  • DIY member import.
  • Custom import provided by Member Jungle onboarding team.

DIY member import

The do-it-yourself member import will cater to almost all customers who are looking to bring across existing members into

Thursday 15th September 2022

How Configurable is Member Jungle to suit my Club Needs?

The Member Jungle system is a software as a service (SaaS) platform that allows you to configure and manage your club’s website, membership, events, store sales, and more. It is an out-of-the-box solution, sometimes referred to as ‘off-the-shelf’ that can help you

Monday 12th September 2022
By Jeff Pond

We endeavor to make the Member Jungle online membership system as simple and as intuitive as possible so only minimal computer experience is needed.  If you are comfortable using a computer, you will be able to manage your member jungle site.

Here’s a few screenshots so you can get an idea of how easy things are in Member Jungle.


Thursday 8th September 2022
By Jeff Pond

Of course!  One of the best things about Member Jungle is that it gives your members complete control over managing their own details.

What details can my members manage?

Your members have the ability to manage the following:

  • Personal details and demographic information.
  • Purchase and renewal
Friday 2nd September 2022

The Member Jungle system is an all-in-one membership application where all of the functionality and modules we offer are built into a single platform, which is driven by a website and accompanied by an integrated mobile app.

This often means that when customers are looking to just change to a membership management system, they then have


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