Member Jungle Membership Software Blog

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Wednesday 24th August 2022
By Jeff Pond

All Member Jungle sites come with a default domain name where you can access your club e.g., however, you can also use a custom domain to better reflect your club.  Once you own a custom domain name it can be used to access your Member Jungle site.

What is a Custom Domain Name?

A custom domain name

Monday 1st August 2022

Membership Levels vs Products

You may be trying to decide if you need to use different membership levels and or products for your club. Here are a few scenarios to help explain the difference between membership levels and products and how they can work.

You can

Wednesday 29th June 2022

So you've contacted the sales team and lodged your enquiry. You are excited to get your trial underway and discover all the incredible benefits of membership management software. We understand that you are looking into membership management software to avoid all the forms and manual labour that come with your current


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