Member Jungle Membership Software Blog

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Friday 17th March 2023

CHANGE!! It's a big scary word that can often stall your committee in making a decision to adopt club membership software.

Many Member Jungle clients tell me that while most committee members recognise digital transformation is vital for their club’s survival, one of their biggest battles is convincing the board to take the step

Wednesday 1st February 2023

How would you be saving money?

Manually running a club is taxing physically, mentally and financially. The table below breaks down the costs associated with the membership renewal process of a 3,500-member club per year using manual methods.


Thursday 29th September 2022

Member Jungle offers a simple way for you to engage with your members via their mobile phones or smart devices. The Member Jungle mobile app is able to be downloaded from the Google Play or Apple

Thursday 29th September 2022

Untitled design (83)

The Member Jungle Group Membership functionality is a great solution for organisations that sell memberships to businesses.

Group membership allows the main contact of a business to

Monday 26th September 2022

Car Database for Car Clubs

Member Jungle is now offering an all-in-one solution for car clubs that can save time and reduce the manual

Friday 23rd September 2022

The barcode which is shown in the Member Jungle App can be used for integration with your own POS or other card reading systems.

It is based on EAN 13 Barcode Format which is the most common barcode format and is used for most retail goods. So we adapted this barcode for use in Member Jungle.

What is the format of the Member

Wednesday 14th September 2022

What are Member Jungle Gateway fees?

Member Jungle offers all Australian customers the opportunity to process online payments for membership, events, online store and online courses using the Member Jungle Payment Gateway.  Our payment gateway is powered by the Stripe Connect gateway and is completely PCI compliant, which means

Tuesday 13th September 2022

You can now download our new Member Jungle mobile app and stay up to date with what's going on in your club. Plus receive notifications about important event reminders and when your club adds something new to the website!

Here is a list of information

Wednesday 7th September 2022
By Jeff Pond

In the purest sense, Green Hosting, means your web hosting provider’s cloud environment is strictly powered by clean, renewable energy.  Not by purchasing carbon offsets or any other credits scheme but actual clean, renewable energy.

Why is renewable energy important when it comes to cloud and web hosting?
When you visit

Monday 29th August 2022
By Jeff Pond


How secure is my data?

Is my data backed up?

Is your hosting reliable?

These are three related, rapid-fire questions we always get asked, generally in that exact order.  To quickly summarise, Member Jungle is a Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) platform. 


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