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Wednesday 24th April 2024

As I'm sure you've realised by now, a membership management system can be a massive help to your club's daily life. It can streamline operations, save time and money, and provide you with a whole bunch of new ways to connect with your members. 

One of membership management systems' most valuable

Monday 22nd April 2024

One of my favourite things online is people writing really negative reviews about recipes they have "made", except with massive alterations. People will write things like, 'I didn't have butter, so I used soup. The cake was bad, one star.' And it's the funniest thing ever. 

I know you think I'm exaggerating

Wednesday 17th April 2024

Changes to Australian tax law mean that many clubs and associations may need to start lodging NFP Self-Reviews to maintain their income tax-exempt status.  

According to

Friday 5th April 2024

How does Member Jungle work?

Member Jungle is an Australian-based membership management system specifically designed to help clubs, associations, and membership organisations operate more efficiently and with less manual labour. 

It achieves this through a wide array of specialised modules, all seamlessly

Wednesday 6th March 2024

Did you know the average website generates hundreds of kilograms of carbon emissions annually? In fact, the internet produces as much CO2 in a year as all air traffic does in a year. 

We both know that it is unrealistic to stop using the Internet altogether. You need the Internet, and your club needs a website.

Monday 4th March 2024

A common question we get asked is, “Will the Member Jungle system work for a club like mine?” That’s a fair question to ask; there are a lot of unique clubs and associations out there with unique needs and preferences, and finding a piece of software that works for your club can be tricky. After all, no

Friday 1st March 2024

Today, we are talking about vintage cars, which is the perfect excuse for me to share my potentially controversial opinions on the matter. The Lancia Stratos is the prettiest car ever made. No car before or since has looked better than the Stratos. Not a single one. I will not be listening to feedback. 

Wednesday 28th February 2024

Many associations and chambers of commerce are making extra money by offering corporate memberships. Rather than just giving businesses a regular membership for a standard price, which only allows one person access, a corporate membership allows multiple staff members and secondary members access at different levels for

Monday 12th February 2024

MailChimp is a marketing automation platform that specialises in email marketing campaigns. Member Jungle is an all-in-one membership management system with an email marketing campaign system. Comparing them against each other doesn’t really make sense or work. It’s a bit like comparing this $8,000 awesome-as-hell

Friday 9th February 2024

Last year, I wrote an honest comparison of Joint It and Member Jungle, breaking down the two membership management platforms and their pros and cons. While I covered a lot of information on both Join It and us at Member Jungle, there were a few things that I just didn't have time to cover. So, to help you really compare,


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