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Monday 18th September 2023

Did you know an elderly Japanese man has been using Microsoft Excel to paint amazing traditional-looking Japanese art? Tatsuo Horiuchi has been creating beautiful works of art using Excel spreadsheets for decades. I’m not playing; seriously, look at this. 


Friday 15th September 2023

I’m not here to lie to you or try to give you the hard sell; honestly, Member Jungle might not be the right fit for your club. It would be a waste of both of our time to pretend differently. However, I can give you seven reasons why it’s worth a second look, which you probably should do. I mean, there are no bad outcomes here. Either

Wednesday 13th September 2023

How Digital Member Cards Could Work At Your Licensed Club

I’ve never owned or managed a bar, but in my younger days, I did work in several and in wedding catering. Now, I’m not going to pretend to be some old, hardened barhand with a ton of experience, but I know enough to know that it isn’t easy and certainly has its

Wednesday 26th July 2023

Running a not-for-profit club or association can be both fulfilling and challenging. It may seem like a full-time job without the pay, but you’re not doing it for the money. You’re driven by your passion for the cause and bringing like-minded individuals together to work towards a shared goal. Whether that be simply running a junior

Wednesday 5th July 2023

Did you know that it has been scientifically proven that people both prefer and mistrust round numbers? Meaning numbers that end in a zero. On average, people tend to be more drawn to round numbers but also distrust how accurate any price or statistic that ends in a round number is. 

This is why sales are always a round number. 10%

Monday 26th June 2023

Running a club can be an amazing experience, full of rewarding moments and memories that can last a lifetime. However, all that isn't free, and sometimes your membership dues aren't going to be enough to do everything you want to do. Now getting sponsors for your club is an amazing way to fix this problem. You get extra money for your club,

Friday 23rd June 2023

Starting a club is a great way to enjoy and share your passion with other like-minded people. Running a club can be an extremely rewarding experience, and it is one that we at Member Jungle would 100% recommend. In fact, several members of the Member Jungle team have started clubs themselves. Now I am a member of a club, but I have never started

Wednesday 21st June 2023

At Member Jungle, we have spent years helping hundreds of people take the stress out of running their clubs. However, we aren’t perfect, and we aren’t the right fit for every club or association out there. So in the interest of transparency, today I will talk about the biggest problems with Member Jungle and who is and isn’t a

Monday 19th June 2023

Did you know that several police forces and armies are trialling the use of AI-controlled robots? I’m not talking about harmless and slightly annoying phone operator robots, either. They are trialling proper honest to goodness in the field robots, including the phenomenally creepy “Spot” from the genuine geniuses at Boston Dynamics. 

Friday 16th June 2023

If you are considering signing up for a membership management system, you have probably already come across discussions about the potential problems with membership management systems. 

Here at Member Jungle, we always strive to be open and honest with you. So today, we are going to talk about the five most common problems with membership


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