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Monday 27th June 2022

We have had feedback and feature suggestions from you, our valued clients, asking for additional reporting. You have told us what would be most useful from an administrators perspective, and we have taken it all on board.

We have now released several new reporting widgets to all of our subscribers, which we hope will make managing your

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Friday 3rd June 2022


These days with spam being so prevalent it's getting harder and harder to ensure legitimate email is delivered on time and doesn't end up marked as spam. We know you as membership organisations need to have your emails delivered so have dedicated this months email newsletter to how you can unsure your emails are getting

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Wednesday 10th March 2021

Looking at 2020 from a membership perspective the forced changes made so many membership organisations adapt quickly. Adapting to change almost became a weekly requirement, with everything evolving so fast you had little choice but to keep up, it meant the difference between thriving or failing in hard times. 

I often talk

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Wednesday 10th March 2021

Do you really know what your current membership system and processes are costing you? Putting your own time aside, look at the physical costs of frantically running memberships with papers flying everywhere, memberships lost and the feeling of chasing your tail .

Like many of our clients who have switched to Member Jungle, they

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Friday 11th September 2020

Getting on the Grapevine: Using Facebook to Attract Members to Your Club

Social Media is an important tool for organisations. Obviously, anything that helps connect your club to your membership is a good thing. Through the platforms, there are unlimited opportunities to advertise and promote your products.


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Monday 25th May 2020
We are in odd times due to COVID-19 and as things start to open up in a controlled way, we are finding there are extra things we need to do as a club and for our members. Limiting numbers of people, extra cleaning, social distancing and tracking people are just some of the extras required. Don't forget that your Member Jungle system can
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Monday 3rd February 2020

Whether you wish to accept donations, sell sponsorship, or prompt your members to purchase your merchandise, the new Catalogue Module is a simple and easy to use solution that will help increase your sales and encourage your members to spend their money with you!

This exciting new module enables administrators to add products to the catalogue,

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Friday 29th November 2019

Communicate with your members while you are out and about, by creating a blog via the Member Jungle Mobile App! 

Blogging has never been easier!


You can create blog articles, upload images,

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Monday 4th November 2019


Continous cashflow, affordable renewals for your members, and therefore higher renewal rate, are just some of the many benefits of having auto-renewing membership subscriptions available for your members. 


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Monday 4th November 2019

Sponsorship is great for business. If done well, sponsorship should be beneficial to both parties and captures a target market.

The new banner module, is designed to be simple to use, and creates widgets for each banner uploaded, to then add to your website, in the page widgets area. The banners contain clickable links through to your

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