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Friday 9th August 2024

Wild Apricot or Member Jungle? Which is best for your club or association? Let's cut through the hype and compare these membership management tools head-to-head.

Monday 22nd July 2024
Category: Our Clients

It has been brought to my attention that some people are enjoying the articles I write for Member Jungle and, for some unknown reason, want to know a bit more about me. So, I have been asked (and I promise I was asked; I swear I'm not an egomaniac) to write an article about myself for all of those who are interested. 


Monday 26th June 2023

Running a club can be an amazing experience, full of rewarding moments and memories that can last a lifetime. However, all that isn't free, and sometimes your membership dues aren't going to be enough to do everything you want to do. Now getting sponsors for your club is an amazing way to fix this problem. You get extra money for your club,

Wednesday 17th May 2023
Category: Our Clients

It's National Volunteer Week here in Australia, and we are thrilled to be part of the festivities. We want to celebrate all the fantastic volunteers who selflessly give their time and energy. 

At Member Jungle, we work with a whole lot of volunteer-run clubs, and we get to see first-hand all the incredible work you are doing for

Monday 22nd August 2022

We all know the quote; “Don’t judge a book by its cover” well, even though we try to live by this quote, the first impression is still very much used and is one that is quite difficult to change. A homepage is not only a summary of what users can expect on the rest of the website but it is the initial basis of trust

Tuesday 16th August 2022

We understand that sometimes things just don’t work out.

In the event that you have setup and started using Member Jungle and then discover that our software does not meet your particular clubs needs, we offer a 90 day money back guarantee for annual and monthly subscriptions only. This does not include transaction

Thursday 4th February 2021
Categories: Our Clients | Sustainability

At first when I was homeschooling my 11 and 12 year olds, working fulltime and in lockdown, some days were tough. I am a very social person and typically as a family have some sport every day, so I initially really missed seeing everyone. 

Once life went back to a little more normality, I really settled into working

Friday 11th September 2020

Getting on the Grapevine: Using Facebook to Attract Members to Your Club

Social Media is an important tool for organisations. Obviously, anything that helps connect your club to your membership is a good thing. Through the platforms, there are unlimited opportunities to advertise and promote your products.


Tuesday 17th September 2019
Categories: Our Clients | Sustainability

On September 20, 2019, we are supporting our employees to strike for Climate Change

Friday the 20th of September, Member Jungle will be proudly supporting our team members to participate in #ClimateStrike as we as a business believe that everyone benefits from living in a healthy, stable environment. 

What is

Monday 8th July 2019


From role restricting your events, to viewing your attendees list, and setting refund policies, the Member Jungle Events Module has had a make over, which every event coordinator will appreciate!




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