Customising Your Clubs Digital Membership Cards

Custom Designed Membership Cards
Want a beautiful digital membership card for your club? We can help you create a card with your colours, logo and background image in a design that will make your club's member card stand out.
- Applies to all members of all membership levels on your site.
- Includes standard membership card fields, in a fixed position on the card
- Background image, colours and logo of your choice
Custom Configured Membership Cards
If you have specific data in your membership form that you need to display on your member cards, then we can custom configure the fields that are displayed on your digital membership cards.
- Dynamically populate your member's cards with custom fields from your membership forms
- Configured to display up to 6 fields (or 5 plus a profile picture)
- Ability to customise the configuration per membership level
- Customise the name of the field labels on the card to your requirements.