Working with Harley-Davidson ANZ

Member Jungle began working with Harley-Davidson early in 2018 to offer all 54 Harley Owners Group (or H.O.G. Chapters) a Member Jungle website across Australia and New Zealand. Announcing the initial partnership in the New Zealand training in July 18, the program has since seen over 80% take-up of the offer within the first 12 months. As H.O.G. chapters are all individually run and managed,  this meant creating and rolling out individual Member Jungle systems to all of the groups separately.

Member Jungle for H.O.G. Chapters Across Australia and New Zealand


The team at Harley-Davidson were very aware of the countless hours Membership Officers were dedicating to managing their chapters' membership renewals when they started talking to us. Like many similar organisations Harley Owners Groups (H.O.G.) Chapters are run by volunteers who are having to spend hours and hours of their own time manually managing membership sign-ups, renewals and payments.

We worked together to offer all H.O.G. chapters across Australia and New Zealand the option to access and utilise the Member Jungle system to manage their members, rides, website and communication. 

Features include

  • customised H.O.G. membership forms
  • automated email renewal reminders
  • integrated mobile app
  • website with members only areas
  • document library for their handbooks and newsletters
  • option to send members emails and push notifications
  • ride management from the website and the app
  • digital member cards
  • online store to sell merchandise
  • and more....

Harley Owners Groups started utilising the first Member Jungle systems in July 2018 and have been particularly instrumental in driving new features in the Member Jungle App. 


Parent Roll-up Website and Reporting Dashboard

Unlike some of our other Australian bodies, Harley Owners Groups were a little different, in that all of their chapters needed to be all setup and managed separately.  Member Jungle worked with Harley-Davidson to provide them a reporting dashboard that pulls in information from all of the individual chapters.

Harley-Davidson weren't interested in individual personal details but just in using the general data collected in Member Jungle to see how they can best deliver more services and support to their H.O.G. Chapters.  They currently have access to a website that shows them graphs and tables that they can use in future decision making. 

We are also working towards reducing the workload in more ways for Membership Officers and H.O.G. Chapter administrators as a whole.