
About Beau

Author Biography

Development Team Leader

Beau's innovative way of looking at things has been core to the Member Jungle system. He has been a member of our crew since start up and is one of those people we admire who managed to juggle work and running a hobby farm in New Zealand with his small family.

Articles by Beau

Friday 30th September 2022
By Beau

Member Jungle is software as a service, which means that like other software products (e.g. Xero, MYOB, Canva, Hubspot etc) our customers can pay for a licence to use our product.  Member Jungle is configurable by our customers so it can be used in different instances, however the core system is shared across hundreds of customers, so one change

Wednesday 21st September 2022
By Beau

QR Codes and Barcodes are everywhere you look - packaging, receipts, tickets, loyalty cards and more, but what are they?

Member Jungle QR Code

QR Codes

QR stands for "Quick Response" and is a machine-readable matrix

Monday 5th September 2022
By Beau

Why does Member Jungle update the Member Jungle App?

There are 5 main reasons that we perform app updates.

1. Bug Fixes

We do our best to make the Member Jungle App perfect and thoroughly test the app before each update, but just like your house, bugs always find a way in. With thousands of different devices


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