Member Jungle Membership Software Blog

Monday 12th September 2022
By Jeff Pond

We endeavor to make the Member Jungle online membership system as simple and as intuitive as possible so only minimal computer experience is needed.  If you are comfortable using a computer, you will be able to manage your member jungle site.

Here’s a few screenshots so you can get an idea of how easy things are in Member Jungle.


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Thursday 8th September 2022
By Jeff Pond

Of course!  One of the best things about Member Jungle is that it gives your members complete control over managing their own details.

What details can my members manage?

Your members have the ability to manage the following:

  • Personal details and demographic information.
  • Purchase and renewal
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Wednesday 7th September 2022
By Jeff Pond

In the purest sense, Green Hosting, means your web hosting provider’s cloud environment is strictly powered by clean, renewable energy.  Not by purchasing carbon offsets or any other credits scheme but actual clean, renewable energy.

Why is renewable energy important when it comes to cloud and web hosting?
When you visit

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Tuesday 6th September 2022

In the modern internet world your customers are too busy to spend time reading your content, now they want quick answers and an easy format, the answer? Video!

Video is the perfect way to get your message across and get your customers (members or potential members) to engage with your content. Statics published recently suggest that customers

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Monday 5th September 2022
By Beau

Why does Member Jungle update the Member Jungle App?

There are 5 main reasons that we perform app updates.

1. Bug Fixes

We do our best to make the Member Jungle App perfect and thoroughly test the app before each update, but just like your house, bugs always find a way in. With thousands of different devices

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Saturday 3rd September 2022

How moving to an online membership system can automate your membership and save you time

I still remember when I first started working with membership clubs I met a lovely volunteer committee of 3 people who were manually managing 2,500 members in an excel spreadsheet. The team explained to me how each year they printed 2,500 annual

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Friday 2nd September 2022

The Member Jungle system is an all-in-one membership application where all of the functionality and modules we offer are built into a single platform, which is driven by a website and accompanied by an integrated mobile app.

This often means that when customers are looking to just change to a membership management system, they then have

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Thursday 1st September 2022

Do you have families or groups as part of your member base? We have a solution for you that will tie these groups neatly into one membership package.

Some examples of using the group memberships are limited only to your imagination! Some examples may include:

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Thursday 1st September 2022

Member Engagement Report

We all know that member engagement is important. But have you ever wondered how to measure engagement? Or who your most engaged members are? The Member Jungle engagement widget will do all of this for you, so that you can see all of this

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Monday 29th August 2022
By Jeff Pond


How secure is my data?

Is my data backed up?

Is your hosting reliable?

These are three related, rapid-fire questions we always get asked, generally in that exact order.  To quickly summarise, Member Jungle is a Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) platform. 

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