Member Jungle Membership Software Blog
We all know the quote; “Don’t judge a book by its cover” well, even though we try to live by this quote, the first impression is still very much used and is one that is quite difficult to change. A homepage is not only a summary of what users can expect on the rest of the website but it is the initial basis of trust
...We are excited to announce that the Member Jungle Mobile App is now even greater!
The app has had a complete overhaul, with the aim to make your user experience even better, and to bring in lots of great new features to assist administrators with member management.
In the coming days, you will be notified of the update
...We understand that sometimes things just don’t work out.
In the event that you have setup and started using Member Jungle and then discover that our software does not meet your particular clubs needs, we offer a 90 day money back guarantee for annual and monthly subscriptions only. This does not include transaction
...Here at Member Jungle, we know how important it is for your club to grow and thrive. We understand that keeping your members engaged with your club is vital to helping reach this goal.
We have several modules and tools available throughout the Member Jungle system, which will assist you in keeping your members
...There are a couple of ways to pay for your ongoing Member Jungle monthly subscription.
For Australian customers:
You can opt to pay your Member Jungle annual subscription in advance and receive a 10% discount. Member Jungle will email an annual invoice for payment.
Should it be required, Member
Here are 6 ways that clubs and organisations can keep their members engaged.
1. Personalise the member experience
Members love personal interaction. In person or via email, they like to feel like they are appreciated and welcome in your organisation. Things like thanking a new member for joining, or an existing one for rejoining,